Friday, May 25, 2007

Oddly Normal

Yeah, I said I was going to bed, but discoverd I was not sleepy, so I'm posting another pic.
This, quick sketch I did two years ago when I met Otis Frampton
during Free Comic Book Day 2005. Me, my boy Marc Deering, and Otis were back in the cut at Amazing Fantasy having a good time. Otis was kind enough to give me some comp copies of Oddly one, at the time. So after reading it, I sketched this up with the strong intention of making nice tight pencils, and inking it. Just never got around to it. So the plan will be to make a new penciling of this, ink it, and send it to the Oddly man! We will see if I follow through this time. I will post the progress.

Anyway, Otis is a good guy, and he has Oddly Normal: Family Reunion
coming out soon, so go and cop that!

1 comment:

◈lunaluna◈ said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desktop.
I'll publish on my blog!.