I guess this is just a simple log meant to catalog what we are doing, whether its working on our comics, Blood Shed and RooK, or just our thoughts on various topics. There are not that many comic creators around here in Hampton Roads, VA, so we mostly hang out and talk with the Electric Deer Studios guys, our Homies - Marc Deering and Chris Staggs. When Travis Johnson from Variance Press is in town, we’ll hang with him too.
So from time to time, I will be posting about how those guys are doing and what various projects they are working on. However, you can hit up their site too. The links are to the side.
Anyway, we are hard at work to get the next issue of Blood Shed out. It’s been over 2 years and it’s time. Boy is it time! My pencils have come a long way since the first issue. I have been working hard to improve my skills in that area. I am not where I want to be yet (who ever is really.)
So this blog will be to catalog my experiences as I strive to be a better penciler and overall professional artist. Anyway, we are working diligently on the next ‘ish’ and our buddy Marc Deering is lending his mega talent on the inks. Marc is damned awesome! He is presently working on an Image title called Blacklight. Stroll over to Marc’s website and take a look. He and penciler, John Toledo, along with Kanila Tripp, who is also doing the colors on our book, have done some killer work on Blacklight. So check that joint out.